GensoKishi AMA Session With BeInCrypto

GensoKishi AMA Session With BeInCrypto

Hi Everyone! Welcome to another BeInCrypto AMA Session!

Today we welcome both Maxi (@dearseki) and Hayate (@thetsumatts) who are respectively CEO and Head of Global Communications of GensoKishi.

BeInCrypto (BIC): Community, here is how things will work. I’ll have 10 questions for them. After these questions, they will pick up 5 out of all the questions you asked before the session. Good luck to you all!

(This AMA has been edited for clarity)


BIC: Let me start >> I would like to ask you something general to kick things off, so please provide some personal background as well as some references you guys looked at before creating GensoKishi.

GenoKishi (GEN): First, thanks so much for having us. We are delighted to be here, and we’re excited today to talk about our project in front of everybody. 

CEO Maxi: I’ve been working in Japan (Tokyo) for 10 years and have been running a consulting business for startups for 5 years. Since 2017, I’ve been in the blockchain industry as a  senior consultant for blockchain media. Also have connections with Japan game makers so that’s why I’m working on the GENSOKISHI Project now :

Matt: I have worked in a Blockchain incubator called BINARYSTAR since 2018. I also oversee one of Japan’s biggest NFT marketplaces Rakuza right now.

BIC: Metaverse and NFTs are hot topics right now and I noted your game addresses both topics. What are some activities the players can perform in your game? Please explain the gameplay to our community:

GEN: Wow. There’s a lot.

So first off our game will be the Game-fi version of Japan’s mobile game “Elemental Knights” that has a 13 year history and has accumulated 8 million downloads. It won the “Game Star Award Taiwan” in 2012 and we have 25k active monthly users. In-game messages are opened 80,000 times a day.  

We think we’ve gotten this far because we provide so much freedom for our users. This is MMORPG so users will tag-team with other players to clear missions and find rare items. We have multiple worlds and continents where they can explore.

And the exciting thing is the User Generated Content. Users can generate their own character/weapon/rare item/monsters and can use it to play in the game or make it valuable and sell it on the NFT market. They can also make their whole entire world where users can come in and explore. (Creators can charge fees for entry too)

You can raise your own character, communicate online, hold parties, and even get married inside the game.  So it’s a real lifetime Metaverse

BIC: What’s the main reason for using the Polygon/MATIC network? 

GEN: It is fast and has low gas fees. By using this second layer solution we can make this play-to-earn actually work. Eth is too expensive.

And Polygon has a huge number of users/players supporting it, which is also the main reason why we choose it.

Polygon Studios, the subsidiary Polygon created to support gaming companies like us, is directly supporting us to integrate our game onto their Blockchain.

BIC: I see. Would you mind talking a little bit more about some killer features we’re going to see on GensoKishi? Maybe those resources that really make you stand out!

GEN: It’s a free-to-play game.

Register using your social media account, and boom, you can start playing instantly. No need for Metamask or cryptocurrency knowledge to start playing.

QUALITY. We are not starting from scratch, we have an established base. To achieve the level of quality we already have on hand, would take at least $30 million to make, in perhaps a span of 5 years. 

The game design is top-notch, and when we say users can generate their own content, we really mean it. The freedom and detail in which you can generate content is what we’ve reached after these years of brushing up Elemental Knights.

We have many active followers and fans already and this will be their long-awaited Game-Fi version of this title. The original “Elemental Knights” is already available in iOS, Android, and of course NINTENDO Switch and PS4. 

BIC: Cool. It’s time to introduce your native token to our community! What do you have to say about MV in terms of tokenomics and how does it fit within your ecosystem?

GEN: MV is our governance token, built on the Polygon network. Users will need to stake a certain amount of tokens to generate their own unique original items, characters, worlds, and castles. As we’re making this game into a DAO, voting rights will be given to holders as well to decide in-game policies and the game’s ultimate future. You can also stake it to earn in-game tokens ROND

BIC: Several projects currently use some strategies to maximize the number of holders. What are some of the benefits for those ones who hold your tokens? Do you also have a similar strategy? 

GEN: Well, as we stated, we have a staking program where users can stake MV to earn in-game tokens ROND. 

There will be some super rare items only possible for purchase using MV. We are also thinking of functions where those who stake MV receive a higher possibility to get rare NFTs.

The supply is 2 billion.

BIC: There’s also the ROND coin. What’s its main usage and how to get it?

GEN: This is the in-game token that will be used to purchase everything inside the game. 

We have designed the token, so that crypto beginners can enjoy this game. So players can earn ROND through the game without registering MetaMask.

BIC: What’s the current status in case anyone wants to purchase your tokens? I bet some of our members are curious about how to buy some MV right now 🙂

GEN: Uniswap and Quickswap listing is next week. But we have a Whitelist Campaign going on, where you can win a chance to participate in our private sale. 

There are various challenges, and the more challenges you complete, the higher the chances for you to win a slot. 

Please check the link for details

If you’re looking for campaign’s we’re giving out limited NFTs who join the Discord community that we’ll be sharing later.

BIC: Great! I took a look at your roadmap and it’s fully packed with activities. What do enthusiasts/investors can expect when it comes to future plans? What do you have in mind for GensoKishi in the next few weeks or months?

GEN: Thanks for looking into our roadmap. We have 3~4 NFT giveaways before the official launch where winners will receive Super swag NFTs. 

It will be a set of very rare NFTs that can be separated into smaller parts. They will be able to show it off in the metaverse and of course, be sold in the market in the future.

BIC: Awesome, that’s it. I’m quite sure we’ve covered all the main topics today. Could you please share all the links to your Social Media channels so that our community can get to know GensoKishi a little better? 

GEN: Thank YOU and everybody here for joining us!!

Join the socials, Twitter | Telegram | Discord.

COMMUNITY (COM): Which one of these aspects is important for you?

1-Increasing Token Price & Value

2-Empowering Platform Development

3-Building Community Trust

4-Expanding Partnership Globally

In what order??

GEN: Okay this will be 3,4,2,1. For we believe either in Game or GameFi industry, the community is the most important. If we did 3,4 well, then don’t have to worry about 2 and 1.

COM: How many teams are developing your game? What are the experiences of your team members who developed the game, what features are you working to add?

GEN: Of course, we have the entire team behind Elemental Knights working on this. 18 years in this industry, making games since we had games on flip phones

Other key team members can be seen here:

We can’t disclose names, but some very powerful projects are directly supporting us as well.

BIC: Can you share some Details about Recent Achievements done by your project? Also, what are the Future Roadmap & Targets of your project?   

GEN: First Polygon studios will support us 100% throughout the integration of this game. 

We’ve been contacted by major projects and influencers who have directly sent us heart-felt messages. We feel the enthusiasm and excitement, and we can’t wait to bring this game to our fans.

As for the roadmap, the details are on our website. But in a broad perspective:

First, we’ll complete the transition. We’ll build the ecosystem on blockchain & integrate NFTs for our MMORPG world.

Second, we’ll transfer the rights for the virtual world to NFTs step by step.

Lastly, we’ll move centralized management to Dapps. This is because our aim for the future is to transfer all the centralized management of our virtual world to a blockchain decentralized system.(DAO)

We know many projects aim for DAO now but it’s just not that easy but we’ll try our BEST.

COM: Nowadays, it seems like Metaverse, Web3 or Gamefi get the most attention from investors, what do you think? What can you do to attract investors?

GEN: Anyone can earn real income from NFT sales and ROND by acquiring valuable items in the game.

Sometimes you can earn unexpected income by acquiring rare items. It’s a great joy to accomplish this with your friends.

We’ve been able to provide this joy to our users by designing this game. That is why we think users have been with us for all these years.

Playing this game will be balanced so that you can earn enough money per month on average to make a living from “Play to Earn” alone.

COM: Can we set an entry fee for the map in the game? Can we get income from the maps? Can you explain how to get entitlement income from the map?

GEN: Absolutely.

This is an important feature of “META WORLD,” which is also the subtitle of this game. You can create your own unique map by purchasing “land parcels”.

Users who have earned the right to land will be connected to the VIP hotline with the management.

Open a Telegram to communicate directly with the management.

Provision of development environment for land

These will be permitted, and you will be allowed to develop the lands you have acquired. This means that landowners can be creators who can develop maps.

We will NEVER price our lands/items at unimaginably high prices. That is not the aim of our game. We want users to enjoy and participate.

Basically, you can do anything on the land. Other users pay the entry fee to enter your land, and you can put your created monsters carrying your NFTs to challenge them.


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