LION crypto surges in price

Lion Token (LION) is up more than 75% today after heavy trading volume.
If you want to invest in LION crypto, or if you just want to find out more about the project and what its plans are, this is the right article for you. Read on to find out what the Lion Token is and how it works, what its potential is as an investment and what our LION crypto price prediction is.
Before we get started on any of that, check out the section directly below if you want to buy LION coins immediately. In it, you can find our selection of the best places to buy Lion Tokens online.
How & where to buy Lion Token crypto online
To buy Lion Tokens, click on one of the links below, sign up, deposit funds and purchase the number of coins you want.
We feel these two options are the best platforms to buy, sell and trade LION crypto thanks to their low fees and general ease of use:
eToro is one of the world’s leading multi-asset trading platforms offering some of the lowest commission and fee rates in the industry. It’s social copy trading features make it a great choice for those getting started.
Buy LION with eToro today
Binance has grown exponentially since it was founded in 2017 and is now one of, if not the biggest cryptocurrency exchanges on the market.
Buy LION with Binance today
What is Lion Token?
Lion Token is a cryptocurrency that runs on the Huobi Eco Chain, Binance Smart Chain and GateChain. Its market denotation is LION.
It claims to be a ‘an experiment in decentralised spontaneous community building.’ Let’s analyse exactly what that means.
The total amount of LION tokens is 20 billion, and one-thousandth of each transaction isd automatically destroyed to cause deflation.
5 billion tokens have been sent to the LION/HT liquidity pool on the Huobi Eco Chain for global users to exchange, and 0.5 billion tokens have been locked on the Binance Smart Chain.
Of these, 100 million will be released in the LION/BNB liquidity pool for global users to redeem from at a unified time. 4.9 billion will enter the mining pool to be released in reward for global mining efforts, and the other 10 billion will go on the GateChain.
Should I buy LION tokens?
If you are looking for a high-risk digital asset with the potential for major rewards via growth, and you feel Lion has the tokenomics to make waves in the crypto space, it could be the right investment for you. Just make sure you do your own research before putting any capital into the mix.
LION crypto price prediction 2021
Our Lion Token price prediction is as follows: up to $0.33666 this year, $0.38288 in 2022 and $0.755 within 5 years.