US Holds Secret Satellite Footage of UFOs, Navy Admiral Testifies
4 months ago CryptoExpert
New video evidence suggests aliens have “stalked” military jets with technology hundreds of times faster than current aerospace capabilities, witnesses told a U.S. House Oversight hearing on UFOs Wednesday.
“Let me be clear: UAPs [unidentified aerial phenomenon] are real, advanced technologies not created by our government or any other government are monitoring sensitive military installations around the globe,” former director of the Advanced Aerospace Threat Identification Program, Lue Elizondo, told the committee.
“Furthermore, the U.S. is in possession of UAP technologies, as are some of our adversaries.”
While Elizondo could not speak on the nature of the UFOs, one of the factors he noted was their speed, which he put at around 3000 G’s or G-Forces, emphasizing that the human body can withstand about 9 G-forces for a short period of time before suffering negative biological effects including, blackouts and even death.
“Our best technology, the F-16, one of our most highly maneuverable manned aircraft, made by General Dynamics, can perform about 17 or 18 G-Forces before you start having structural failure, meaning that the airframe begins to disintegrate,” he said. “The vehicles we’re talking about are performing in excess of 1,000, 2,000—3,000 Gs.”
Congressional leaders of the joint U.S. House Subcommittee on Cybersecurity, Information Technology, and Government Innovation, along with the Subcommittee on National Security, again met with experts and eyewitnesses to address concerns and new evidence related to alien contact.
Elizondo described the effort to acquire UAP technologies as a “multi-decade, secretive arms race,” funded by misallocated taxpayer dollars and kept hidden from elected officials, including a ten-year-old video by the U.S. Navy.
In addition to collecting UAP technology, during the first congressional hearing into UAPs last year, witnesses said the recovered alien technology included “biologics.”
“I believe that America’s greatness depends on three elements: a watchful Congress, a responsive executive branch, and an informed public,” he said. “Over the last decade and a half, I learned that certain UAP programs were and are operating without any of these elements.”
When asked whether there has been direct communication with “non-human life forms,” Elizondo said there had been. However, he added, it depends on what we mean by “communication.”
“The term communication is a bit of a trick word because there’s verbal communication like we’re having now,” Elizondo explained. “The problem is you also have non-verbal communication. And so I would say definitively yes, but from a non-verbal meaning.”
Elizondo compared the interaction between the military and UFOs to those of a Russian reconnaissance aircraft.
“When a Russian reconnaissance aircraft enters U.S. airspace, and we scramble two F-22s in response, we are clearly communicating our intent and capability,” he said. “I think the same goes with this. We have these things that are being observed in controlled U.S. airspace, and they’re not really doing a good job hiding themselves.”
The witness called for more transparency with the public about alien contact and the evidence to support it.
“The American people need to know that the U.S. military and intelligence community are sitting on a huge amount of visual and other information, still photos, video photos, other sensor information, and they have for a very long time,” author and journalist Michael Shellenberger added.
American oceanographer and retired U.S. Navy Rear Admiral Tim Gallaudet, who also attended the hearing, said the U.S. government possesses satellite recordings of UFO sightings, adding that elements of government mean to keep the images hidden.
“I learned from former DoD official Chris Mellon that satellite imagery of UAP from a few years ago still has not been shared with Congress,” Gallaudet told the committee. “Equally concerning, last year’s UAP hearing revealed that certain government elements are engaged in a disinformation campaign, including personal attacks aimed at discrediting UAP whistleblowers.”
Gallaudet, however, declined to go into detail about the date, location, and description of what was depicted in the satellite images. Instead, he offered to share what he knew in a closed session with Congress.
As with the first hearing last year, Congress said today’s hearing was just one of many to come.
“This is just the tip of the iceberg,” South Carolina U.S. Representative Nancy Mace told News Nation after the hearing. “We’ve only had two brief hearings; there is more work to be done,” she said.
Edited by Sebastian Sinclair
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